Item S-4810-51-0008
Operating Time: 32 sek.
Power Supply: 3PH-400V(50Hz)
Motor Duty: S2-15
Flange: F14
Certification Temp range: -20/+85°C (-4/+185°F)
Protection degree:
Ex db h ia IIB T4 Gb
Ex h tb IIIC T135°C Db
Wiring diagram: WD85AT000
Cable Entries: 2x1"+1x1-1/2"-NPT-(STD)
Output Rated Actuator Torque: 1500Nm
Actuator dimensions: 484x561x698mm
Weight: 42kg
Please note that BIFFI have proposed an ICON3000 WGR100 as per model indicated below.
They have not considered the ICON EC (as per catalogue attached).
We'll inform you if the price of this product will be changed according to your price alert.