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Ruggedized Hollow shaft encoder, Incremental

Ruggedized Hollow shaft encoder, Incremental

Artikelnummer: TR.51922779199
Hersteller-Art.Nr.: PN 519254-01
Gewicht: 0.3 kg
Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!
Robust Ø58 mm encoder with hollow shaft Short-circuited protected outputs IP67 at housing, IP66 at shaft inlet Type RHI Model 503 Standard Shaft type Ø12 mm blind hollow shaft Flange type 58/59-flange with stator coupling Resolution 1024 ppr Power supply 9-30 Vdc Output signal HTL Connection type M23 connector 12-pin Connecting direction Radial Number of channels 6 (S00, S00\, S90, S90\, Sref, Sref\)

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